How Founders (Should) Break Up

Nutshell: There are two ways for founders to break up. One preserves everything those founders built together, including a chance of a successful outcome. The other can bring everything crashing down, ruining months, even years, of hard work, and damaging lives in the process. Simple decisions made at the beginning of the relationship dramatically influence which outcome you end up with.

Worthwhile reading:

First off, like any good lawyer, let’s get our definitions straight. I’m talking about Founders (capital F) in this post – meaning the people who were there at the beginning of a startup, or at least well before it became something investors wanted to buy a part of. For better or for worse (probably worse), the term “founder” has become just another title that gets negotiated by early hires to help artificially build their street cred. If you showed up to a startup with your own lawyer, or with data on compensation packages, you’ve gone through very different dynamics from actual founders.

The Honeymoon Period – Setting the Foundation.

Know and trust each other. 

It sounds sappy, but it’s unquestionably true: starting a startup with a cofounder is about as close (emotionally) to starting a family with a spouse as you’ll ever get, without actually starting a family with a spouse. CEOs refer to their startups as “their baby,” and they’re not kidding.

You have to go in totally trusting the other person, and committed to the good of the startup as something separate and higher than your own self-interest. If you don’t, you’re demented and asking for a world of pain.  I look at our portfolio of startup clients, and the vast majority (but not all) of the top ones were started by either (i) two or more cofounders who are real friends, or (ii) a single founder with total control. In each case, minimal time is spent arguing over equity %s or vesting schedules. It doesn’t mean everything is lollipops and sunshine, but everyone knows their role. Founders who are mere ‘business partners’ generally underperform compared to founders with a strong, personal relationship.

Paper it.

Different people have different approaches to marriage. Some are big on prenups, and others aren’t. But for founders, sign some damn contracts. Standard ones that shouldn’t take startup lawyers very long to produce. They should have:

  • Clear language regarding the Company’s ownership of all IP;
  • A vesting schedule (~4 yrs), with a cliff (~1 year);
  • Non-solicits and (depending on the state, but def. if you’re in TX) non-competes;
  • Language about returning all company property on termination; and
  • No ambiguity as to what happens if/when a founder leaves voluntarily or involuntarily.

I’ve often heard founders say something like “we don’t have VCs yet, so we don’t need vesting schedules.” Totally wrong reasoning.  The vesting schedule is there to ensure that if someone walks away before a meaningful milestone (especially if they walk away angry), they can’t take with them any chance of the Company’s ever succeeding.  Try raising VC money with 40% of your cap table held by an inactive founder.   The cliff serves a similar purpose – it puts in black ink what everyone should already understand: this is a long-term project, and if you’re not in it for the long-term, you shouldn’t be signing up.

Papering this kind of arrangement among a good group of founders should not be controversial.  If I start seeing founders bickering over vesting schedules, or random contingencies in their founder docs, my views on their long-term prospects are automatically dropped several notches.  I’m also not a fan of founders negotiating “single trigger acceleration” among themselves – “if you fire me, I get X% of my vesting schedule accelerated”.  If you’ve chosen the right founders, no one should be getting fired unless it’s the right decision for the startup. And if it’s the right decision for the startup, you shouldn’t be walking away with more than what you actually earned.

When the Honeymoon’s Over – A Clean Break.

I’ve said it before, and it’s worth repeating: Contracts Aren’t for the Honeymoon; They’re for the Divorce.  While there are hundreds of reasons why a founder might break away from a startup, if the proper foundation was set, there should be minimal legal ambiguity as to what happens to the startup when that founder is gone.  IP stays, as do all unvested shares. The departing founder keeps what she vested. Deliver everything to the company relating to the startup – hardware, code, login credentials (which should be changed after the departure), etc. Don’t try to take any employees with you, or build a competing product. Move on.  

A simple letter stating the definitive termination date should be delivered by the Company to the departing founder, spelling out what the post-termination equity holdings will be, and delivering the small amount of money needed to repurchase the unvested shares.  It’s also often considered a best practice to give a departing founder a small “sweetener” – a few extra shares, or a little cash, in exchange for signing a full waiver and release of all claims, including a non-disparagement clause (you can’t start insulting everyone on twitter).  Hopefully there aren’t any real claims to waive, but when VCs diligence the company and see an exit of a major founder, it gives them a bit of comfort to see that release signed.  Founder lawsuits have a way of creeping up once a few zeros are added to the valuation.

Emergency Maneuvers.

Not everyone is so lucky to have a clean founder breakup.  Sometimes angry founders refuse to return company property, or refuse to sign documentation relating to their departure.  I’ve even seen situations in which founders are caught maliciously hacking into servers.  Prepare yourself.

If the proper legal foundation was set early on, a refusal to sign anything shouldn’t be a serious problem. Good founder docs are drafted so that simply e-mailing a termination notice, along with a check, gets everything material done. Signatures on termination docs is nice, but not essential. As to other things like refusing to return property, usually the first step is to have some personal conversations about how small startup ecosystems are, and that reputations take a long time to rebuild. A nastygram from your corporate lawyers can help too.  If all that fails, it may be time to get other lawyers (litigators), or other authorities, involved. Hopefully it never gets there.

But if you didn’t do what you were supposed to do when the founders first got together, and now you have an angry, defiant founder who perhaps still owns rights to company IP, or has walked away with half the cap table… well, you fu**ed up. Is this the end of your company? Not necessarily, but it definitely could be. Talk to your lawyers. Maybe there’s enough of an e-mail trail making it clear that IP was intended to be transferred. Maybe a recapitalization (a ‘recap’) is possible to wipe out everyone’s equity and start fresh. Maybe you can eventually convince them to sign the right docs now.  Maybe. Regardless of the outcome, you’re going to be paying your lawyers a lot more (like 20-100x) to clean it up than you would’ve paid to do it right on day one.

Only idiots start families with people they don’t trust, or truly understand. Founders who start companies with people they don’t trust, or who think it’s unnecessary to paper things properly, aren’t much smarter. Find the right cofounder, and then sign some damn contracts. Then hope you never have to read them again, and start building.

How Founders Lose Control Of Their Startups, Apart from Ownership

Summary: There are many ways, apart from ownership %, that founders slowly lose control of their companies. Some of the more obvious ones get spelled out in term sheets, but professional players in startup ecosystems know how to use more subtle mechanisms to erode founder control.

Seasoned founders and startup lawyers know that there are really two things that matter most in negotiating a term sheet: economics and control.  In other words, from the perspective of a founder, (1) what % of the Company will I own after the deal closes (and, more specifically, what % of exit proceeds do I get), and (2) whose permission is needed to make key decisions? Of the “control” terms, there are explicit ones, like protective provisions,  that competent founders know to focus on.  But there are more subtle aspects, like the composition of the Company’s advisors, and even who the Company’s lawyers are, that when ignored can significantly erode the ability of founders to maintain influence over their companies; particularly in high-stakes situations when there’s significant internal disagreement.

As I’ve written before, being an entrepreneur raising capital means learning to give up control. That’s a given. However, I’m very much a believer in transparency and having your eyes wide open. By educating yourself, you ensure you give up control at the appropriate time, and with fair terms; instead of with subtle power plays that slowly hand control to other people without you even noticing it.

The More Obvious Forms of Control

  • Voting Thresholds and Protective Covenants – These are typically spelled out in stockholder agreements and organizational documents. There are 1,000 ways to draft them, but they basically boil down to: you can’t do X without getting approval from stockholders holding Y% of the Company’s overall capitalization, or a specific % of various classes of stock.
  • The Board of Directors – Who is on the Board, and who has the ability to elect/remove people on the Board? The Board is the core governing body of the Company, which means nothing serious happens without their approval. In a 5-person board, whether founders (common stockholders) elect 3 directors or 2 dramatically alters the power dynamics of a startup.

The Often Overlooked, But Important Control Mechanisms

While voting power and board composition are definitely the most important issues, I always advise founders that maintaining control/influence over the companies they started is much more nuanced than what gets spelled out in a term sheet.

How “Independent” is Your Independent Director?

It’s very common for VC-backed boards to have an “independent” director – usually an industry expert that gets elected by both the common stock (founders) and preferred stock (investors).  However, it’s also fairly common for VCs to suggest that the “independent” director come from their own network of executives.  In judging whether their VCs recommended “independent” is the right person, founders should absolutely include the loyalty of that director to the VCs in the calculus.  He’s in their network, and knows that keeping them happy will mean more influential board appointments in the future. If a founder CEO is well-informed and connected in her startup’s own market, she likely has her own ideas for more independent directors. Put them on the table for discussion.

Board Observers – Who is at the Board Meeting?

Investors often will ask, in addition to a Board seat, for one or two board “observer” positions; meaning, at a high-level, non-voting people who can nevertheless attend board meetings and (usually) engage in discussion with the board. The presence of board observers matters and absolutely will influence discussion on board-level issues, even if they ultimately can’t vote. Don’t hand them out without understanding how they alter a founder’s influence at meetings.

Whom do your lawyers work for?

I’ve touched on this issue before here: Don’t Use Your Lead Investor’s Lawyers. There are hundreds of scenarios in which, in the middle of high-stakes decisions and disagreement among decision-makers on the right (or legal) course of action, founders will turn (protected by attorney-client privilege) to company counsel for advice – what’s legal?, what are the consequences?, what are my options?, what’s “market?” etc. etc..  Many times the “right” decision for the Company is one that won’t sit well, and even piss off, certain groups on the cap table.  You don’t want lawyers who work for those people.

Don’t just go with the lawyer that the VCs insist upon. These lawyers will work with the VC on a hundred financings and with you on only one. Where do you think their loyalties lie? Get your own lawyer, and don’t budge. – Naval Ravikant, Lawyers or Insurance Salesman?

Despite arguments from certain investors and lawyers who claim that the above is a non-issue (you can imagine why), most founders immediately recognize the problem when this reality is described to them.

Where do your advisors and executives come from?

The theme of “pay attention to loyalties” carries on into a Company’s advisors and outside executive hires.  Where did they come from? Who got them this job, or their last job? Are they all part of the same investor group or business network? The conversations they have with you (the founders) will not be the only ones they’ll be having. Pay attention. Careers are long, much longer than the life of a single startup.  Advisors and executives, even those with strong ethics, pay attention to who can get them their next position when their current one exits.

Nutshell: Voting control matters, but it isn’t everything. Loyalties, particularly long-term loyalties, drive human behavior. Don’t be lazy and let every influencer (director, executive, lawyer, advisor) in your company come from the network of a single investor group. Smart ecosystem players know that’s one of the best ways to gain influence over a company without putting anything on paper. Leverage peoples’ contacts, and of course contacts will overlap, but make sure you ultimately have real diversity of perspectives to turn to.  Otherwise, when it really matters, a dozen back-end conversations will end up with really only one voice whispering in your ear.  

It’s precisely when the stakes are highest that a founder needs brutal honesty from advisors and counselors. And nothing ensures honesty like transparency and true independence of viewpoints. Make sure you don’t lose it. 


Reserve an Option Pool; Not an Ocean.

TL;DR  The larger the pool reserved at formation, the more dilution founders are shouldering that would otherwise be shared with employees and investors. Take it seriously.

Here’s how much discussion usually goes into determining a startup’s option pool size at formation:

Attorney: What size of an option pool do you want to reserve?

Founder: I don’t know, what’s the usual size?

Attorney: 20%

Founder: Ok, let’s go with that.

The reason so little thought goes into it is partially due to the fact that startup formations have (for good reason) become very standardized.  Neither founders nor attorneys are interested in delving into any nuances beyond the core questions about equity distribution and founder dynamics.  The founders want to focus on their product.  The lawyers don’t want to burn time on a fixed-fee transaction.

But here’s why failing to take the time to think through your initial option pool size is a problem: reserving too large of a pool, even if it’s never used, means you’re giving away a larger amount of the company to future hires/investors than you want to.

“That can’t be!”, the founder says. How can an unused pool impact my dilution? Whatever doesn’t get used just gets canceled at an exit, right?  While technically correct, this misses a very important issue: future employees and investors will rely on the term “fully diluted capitalization” in determining how much of the Company they want to ask for in the hiring or investment process. And “fully diluted capitalization” includes the unused part of the option pool.

The Hiring Example

You’re negotiating a compensation package for a rockstar developer, and they say they want 5% “of the Company.” What does that mean? The vast majority of the time it means 5% of the “fully diluted capitalization,” which means all outstanding equity AND all reserved but unused equity in the option pool.

Think this through a bit.  5% means having to give them more shares if your option pool size is 20% instead of 10% (because the pie is larger), even if none of the pool is in use.  If you end up getting a good exit in a year without having used much of the pool, the unused pool will get canceled, but the “5%” shares the developer received won’t be reduced proportionately.  The pie shrinks, but his slice stays the same size – which means yours shrinks.  The 5% hire ends up with a much higher percentage of the cap table.

Nutshell: The larger pool you reserve, even if none of it is in use, the more shares you’ll have to give to early hires to get them to a % they feel comfortable with.  Those extra shares mean, if the pool is unused at an exit, those hires own more of the Company than the % they bargained for.

Incubators-Accelerators also base their equity requests on a “fully-diluted” basis (%-based), so by having an excessively large pool, you’re giving them too many shares.

The Investment Example

This is a bit more nuanced, and I suggest you read the excellent Venture Hacks post: The Option Pool Shuffle.


  • Convertible Notes with caps generally use “fully diluted capitalization” (remember, that includes an unused pool) in determining the conversion price. So a larger pool means the investor gets more shares to get them to the right %, producing the same issue as with employees: if the pool is unused at an exit, they end up with a larger chunk.
  • In a Term Sheet, VCs generally make you “top up” the option pool to have a certain % of availability post-closing, but they make the pre-money cap table absorb all the dilution from it.  The ask will look something like this:

the total post-Closing available option pool (excluding granted options) represents 15% of the fully diluted shares of the Company.

The Venture Hacks article gives a mathematical example, but the most important point is this: the higher % the VCs require as available (unused) post-closing option pool, the lower the price they are paying for their shares, and the more dilution the founders are absorbing.

How does this relate to the point of not going overboard in reserving your original option pool? The pool you reserve before your first VC financing will set the baseline for negotiating how much of an option pool “top up” VCs make founders absorb.  If you have a 16% available pool pre-funding, it makes it look a lot more benign for a VC to demand a 15% post-money pool than, for example, if your pre-funding pool was only 5%.  Getting from 5% pre-funding to 15% post-funding will require a very large increase in the pool size.

By having a smaller pool before your funding, it reveals a much bigger “hit” on the founders when the financing is modeled and the VCs post-funding pool “ask” is reflected.  When both the VCs and the founders see the substantial dilution resulting from the pool increase, it forces a deeper discussion about what the post-funding pool should really look like. And that’s where the Venture Hacks wisdom comes in: have a hiring plan and a solid argument for how much of a pool you really need, and make the VCs argue for theirs.

Nutshell:  By keeping your pool size small before funding, it requires a much larger pool increase to get to a VC’s desired post-funding unused pool, all of which is borne by the pre-financing cap table.  This forces a necessary discussion with the VCs about what the appropriate pool size really is, instead of just accepting whatever number they pull out of thin air.

So what is the right formation pool size?

It depends. How many founders are there? Whom are you likely to need to hire in the next 12 months? These are details to discuss with your attorney.  Whatever you do, don’t just accept 20% without thinking about it.


As a founder, your ownership is set at formation.  Everything afterward is dilution.  By reserving an unnecessarily large pool, you’re basically protecting future hires and investors from dilution, while absorbing it all yourself.  It’s not that hard to increase your pool size if you run out of room, and when you do so, at least everyone on the cap table will absorb the dilution with you.  By keeping your pool smaller, you’ll also make VCs think twice about casually dumping an unnecessarily large pool size on their term sheets in order to drive their share price down.