Reserve an Option Pool; Not an Ocean.

TL;DR  The larger the pool reserved at formation, the more dilution founders are shouldering that would otherwise be shared with employees and investors. Take it seriously.

Here’s how much discussion usually goes into determining a startup’s option pool size at formation:

Attorney: What size of an option pool do you want to reserve?

Founder: I don’t know, what’s the usual size?

Attorney: 20%

Founder: Ok, let’s go with that.

The reason so little thought goes into it is partially due to the fact that startup formations have (for good reason) become very standardized.  Neither founders nor attorneys are interested in delving into any nuances beyond the core questions about equity distribution and founder dynamics.  The founders want to focus on their product.  The lawyers don’t want to burn time on a fixed-fee transaction.

But here’s why failing to take the time to think through your initial option pool size is a problem: reserving too large of a pool, even if it’s never used, means you’re giving away a larger amount of the company to future hires/investors than you want to.

“That can’t be!”, the founder says. How can an unused pool impact my dilution? Whatever doesn’t get used just gets canceled at an exit, right?  While technically correct, this misses a very important issue: future employees and investors will rely on the term “fully diluted capitalization” in determining how much of the Company they want to ask for in the hiring or investment process. And “fully diluted capitalization” includes the unused part of the option pool.

The Hiring Example

You’re negotiating a compensation package for a rockstar developer, and they say they want 5% “of the Company.” What does that mean? The vast majority of the time it means 5% of the “fully diluted capitalization,” which means all outstanding equity AND all reserved but unused equity in the option pool.

Think this through a bit.  5% means having to give them more shares if your option pool size is 20% instead of 10% (because the pie is larger), even if none of the pool is in use.  If you end up getting a good exit in a year without having used much of the pool, the unused pool will get canceled, but the “5%” shares the developer received won’t be reduced proportionately.  The pie shrinks, but his slice stays the same size – which means yours shrinks.  The 5% hire ends up with a much higher percentage of the cap table.

Nutshell: The larger pool you reserve, even if none of it is in use, the more shares you’ll have to give to early hires to get them to a % they feel comfortable with.  Those extra shares mean, if the pool is unused at an exit, those hires own more of the Company than the % they bargained for.

Incubators-Accelerators also base their equity requests on a “fully-diluted” basis (%-based), so by having an excessively large pool, you’re giving them too many shares.

The Investment Example

This is a bit more nuanced, and I suggest you read the excellent Venture Hacks post: The Option Pool Shuffle.


  • Convertible Notes with caps generally use “fully diluted capitalization” (remember, that includes an unused pool) in determining the conversion price. So a larger pool means the investor gets more shares to get them to the right %, producing the same issue as with employees: if the pool is unused at an exit, they end up with a larger chunk.
  • In a Term Sheet, VCs generally make you “top up” the option pool to have a certain % of availability post-closing, but they make the pre-money cap table absorb all the dilution from it.  The ask will look something like this:

the total post-Closing available option pool (excluding granted options) represents 15% of the fully diluted shares of the Company.

The Venture Hacks article gives a mathematical example, but the most important point is this: the higher % the VCs require as available (unused) post-closing option pool, the lower the price they are paying for their shares, and the more dilution the founders are absorbing.

How does this relate to the point of not going overboard in reserving your original option pool? The pool you reserve before your first VC financing will set the baseline for negotiating how much of an option pool “top up” VCs make founders absorb.  If you have a 16% available pool pre-funding, it makes it look a lot more benign for a VC to demand a 15% post-money pool than, for example, if your pre-funding pool was only 5%.  Getting from 5% pre-funding to 15% post-funding will require a very large increase in the pool size.

By having a smaller pool before your funding, it reveals a much bigger “hit” on the founders when the financing is modeled and the VCs post-funding pool “ask” is reflected.  When both the VCs and the founders see the substantial dilution resulting from the pool increase, it forces a deeper discussion about what the post-funding pool should really look like. And that’s where the Venture Hacks wisdom comes in: have a hiring plan and a solid argument for how much of a pool you really need, and make the VCs argue for theirs.

Nutshell:  By keeping your pool size small before funding, it requires a much larger pool increase to get to a VC’s desired post-funding unused pool, all of which is borne by the pre-financing cap table.  This forces a necessary discussion with the VCs about what the appropriate pool size really is, instead of just accepting whatever number they pull out of thin air.

So what is the right formation pool size?

It depends. How many founders are there? Whom are you likely to need to hire in the next 12 months? These are details to discuss with your attorney.  Whatever you do, don’t just accept 20% without thinking about it.


As a founder, your ownership is set at formation.  Everything afterward is dilution.  By reserving an unnecessarily large pool, you’re basically protecting future hires and investors from dilution, while absorbing it all yourself.  It’s not that hard to increase your pool size if you run out of room, and when you do so, at least everyone on the cap table will absorb the dilution with you.  By keeping your pool smaller, you’ll also make VCs think twice about casually dumping an unnecessarily large pool size on their term sheets in order to drive their share price down.

409A as a Service: Cash Cows Get Slaughtered

Background: 409A is a set of tax rules passed, in part, to stop companies from avoiding taxes through issuing underpriced (cheap) equity as compensation.  While well-intentioned, it spawned a cottage industry of third-party valuation firms/i-bankers who charge companies, including startups, thousands (sometimes tens-of-thousands) of dollars to get ‘409A valuations’ for their stock to avoid tax penalties in setting their stock’s Fair Market Value.

Anyone who deals with 409A valuations on a regular basis knows that they are the quintessential ‘cash cow’ for valuation firms and small i-bankers; evidenced by the number of those firms that are constantly inviting lawyers and influential tech players out to lunch in order to get referrals (btw, sorry guys, I’m blogging right now). And if they’ve dug a little deeper, they’ve found that, particularly at the early stage, these valuations are generated in an almost entirely automated fashion. Hence, cash cows: premium price, lots of hand-waiving to make them seem difficult to produce, but ultimately with a low marginal cost.

The Necessary Evil

In practice, startups have been advised by lawyers and their advisors to avoid a 409A valuation until a Series A. Pre-Series A there’s usually not much on the balance sheet and no arms-length price on the Company’s equity to generate a meaningful valuation, so startups just wing it.  Post Series A, however, the vast majority of startups pony up $3-10k to get their valuation, and it has to be refreshed (i) every 12 months, (ii) if there’s a material change in the startup’s financials, or (iii) if a new equity round is done; otherwise it goes ‘stale’ and no longer provides a safe harbor on FMV.

That can get expensive quickly, though any serious company looking to get acquired by a large company or eventually go public knows that the consequences of not doing this can be substantially more expensive.

409A-as-a-Service: The Slaughtering

Finally, eShares (the paperless stock certificate and capitalization tracking company) has pulled off something brilliant: 409A as a Service. Priced as a continuous service (which makes total sense given the on-going need for re-doing a valuation) and supported by well-known and established valuation firms, startups get continuous 409A valuation services at a monthly fee: $159/mo for a post-Series A startup – higher for later stage.

Doing the math, that’s $1,908/yr: easily a 40-50% discount on even the most ‘sweetheart’ deals offered by local valuation firms for post-Series A startups. If you need a refresh within a year, you’re in 90%+ discount territory. Add in the fact that (i) it’s done paperlessly via the web, and (ii) the valuation will be updated for major changes in capitalization or financials (no huge cost to avoid going stale), and we have ourselves a game-changer.

The pricing for Series B, Series C+ valuations is even more competitive relative to market rates for 409A services.  It’s also a brilliant feature for eShares because of how it ties in directly with their existing capitalization tracking platform.

Something tells me that this slaughtered cash cow is going to net eShares and Preferred Return a lot of steak dinners in the future.  The cottage i-bankers who’ve built practices off of milking 409A as much as possible? Not so much. The better i-bankers of course do higher-value things that justify their costs, so they have nothing to worry about. Yes, there are serious parallels to startup law here.

Nutshell:  Startups historically had to pay $3-10k for a valuation after closing a Series A in order to protect themselves from 409A issues, and they had to keep re-paying it on an on-going basis to keep it from going stale.  eShares has changed all of that by offering 409A valuations as a continuous service (as they should be) and pricing them in a manner that aligns more closely with what it costs to produce them.  Cash cows, particularly when visible to techies who like to disrupt things, eventually get slaughtered.

p.s. Like all of the other tools I recommend to startups for saving their capital, I have no financial interest in eShares.

What a Valuation Cap Isn’t

Background Reading

In a nutshell, a “valuation cap” is a limit on the valuation that a convertible note will convert at upon a “qualified financing.” Seems simple enough, but there are a few serious misconceptions about valuation caps that I feel someone should clear the air on.  Here’s what a valuation cap isn’t. 

1.  A Valuation Cap is Not a Valuation

Sort of.  In the strictest technical sense, a valuation cap is not a valuation.  It relates to future valuations.  It also doesn’t (generally) require a re-valuation of the FMV of your company’s equity for stock grant purposes.  And if a Series A ends up happening at a valuation below the cap, it’s not exactly considered a “down round.”

But in practice, investors and founders often treat caps like valuations.  When you come across an AngelList profile saying a startup is raising $500K at a $4M ‘valuation’, the majority of the time they mean they are issuing convertible notes with a $4M cap.  This “sort of but not really a valuation” aspect of capped notes is seen by some as the best of both worlds: you get to price a round without all the costs of negotiating  a full set of equity docs.  Others see it as having removed the main benefit of issuing notes (instead of equity) in the first place: deferring a valuation discussion to a future date.  Both sides have good points.

2. A Valuation Cap does not guarantee investors a minimum % of the Company

This is the issue that really needs the most clearing up.  I’ve seen angels make the claim that a valuation cap guarantees an angel a specific % of the Company post-Series A. This is just not true.  In a theoretical sense, a valuation cap guarantees a minimum pre-Series A % of the Company, but the note-holder never actually owns that % because the Series A money comes in alongside the conversion.

Take the example in Joe’s post:

  • $5M cap, $200K in notes (assume no interest for simplicity), $2M in new money at Series A at a $10M pre-money valuation.

I’ve seen investors do the following math:

  • % Ownership Post-A = Investment / (Cap + Investment)
  • So: $200K / ($5M + $200K) = ~3.8%
  • Therefore, they say, the note-holder should own 3.8% of the Company after the Series A.

The problem, of course, is that the new $2M from the Series A is nowhere in this equation.  That 3.8% is a percentage of the Company without the new Series A money coming in.

When you do the math correctly for the full Series A (see Joe’s post), the noteholder’s % comes out to 3.22% of the Post-A company. That’s the number the investor(s) will see on the cap table after conversion. And it could be higher or lower depending on the economics of the Series A.

This kind of confusion shouldn’t happen if you’re working with seasoned angels who’ve done several investments that have gone on to raise a Series A.  But if you’re not (often the case in Texas), make sure they understand the math of their own investment so there aren’t squeals when conversion time comes around.